Tuesday, October 28, 2008

FOSS.my 2008

What is FOSS.my?

(excerpt from the website)
FOSS.my 2008 is Malaysia’s premier Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) event. Whilst this is our first go at it, we aim for this to be an annual event bringing together professionals and enthusiasts from Malaysia, Singapore, Asia and the rest of the world for a two day grassroots driven FOSS conference.

FOSS.my is different from other events in that we focus only on FOSS and that this conference is purely non-commercial. There will be no marketing/sales talks by vendors (we are very strict on this!) so all that is presented is FOSS goodness! Instead, vendors will be encouraged to speak on the FOSS technical aspects of their projects/tools. This approach works better as it benefits all through knowledge sharing within the community.

It will be held on 8 and 9 Nov 2008

Where? ( Map )
Lot 6, Technology Park Malaysia (TPM)
Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur

What are the agenda?
Go here: http://foss.my/schedule/ for more info.

What should I do?
Register here: http://foss.my/register/


harimaumalaya said...


Nice meeting u at Foss.my. - adli, www.3boss.org

Zamri said...


Nice meeting u and others there. It was a nice event. Congrats on getting an OLPC. :)